1: Know Yourself

Step 1: Know Yourself

Knowing and leveraging your strengths are incredibly important and is one of the keys to building success online.

Since I was a young kid I always would create videos and different content sharing different tasks I was working on. Not only that, I was always on the computer. From making little websites, to just playing around.

You see these early years were the building blocks to developing the skills I have today. In fact, skill building is incredibly important.

Think back to all your past experiences and things you've been through. Those previous endeavors can most definitely help you moving forward.

No matter what they may be, there is no "one-size-fits-all" Internet-based business.

You are a unique human being, and you have a unique set of skills that are based upon where you were born, your upbringing, your education, the work you've been doing, etc.

In this phase, it's important to ask yourself a few questions. Answer them on a notepad or paper so you can get specific about your strengths and how you can leverage them. This will accelerate your path to online success.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  • What are your interests?
  • Do you have any WordPress skills, or web design skills?
  • Do you have any professional expertise that would give you knowledge around a certain subject matter?
  • Do you have a monthly budget to work with? If so, how much? $50, $100, $500, $1000+ per month?
  • What are your passions and hobbies? If money and time were no concern, what would you spend your time doing?
  • Are you more comfortable on stage or behind the scenes?

For now, be sure to write down your answers to these questions and identify any additional insights you've had about yourself that you can utilize as your unique advantages moving forward.

Brennan Valeski