2: Who Can You Help?

Step 2: Who Can You Help?

When my business blew up, and crashed and burned... it was because I had no purpose with it other than what was in it for me. This is why I was never achieving the success I desired.

When I had to do the hard reset on my business, I was lost and confused with little purpose. Through this process, I took a new approach and figured out the big secret to success.

In the light of this "epiphany", it actually came from a conversation with my Grandpa when I was explaining the minor success I was generating from that business that ultimately failed. He asked me the question: "What are you doing this for?"... in my mind back then... it was "for the money".

You see if you ever are doing something just for the money, it will either fail at the end of the day... or you will begin to hate what you're doing because you're not excited or passionate about your mission.

Instead of thinking: "How can I get money from the Internet?" to "How can I be of service to the community?"

It made all the difference! The new focus is to give an audience the tools they need and to genuinely help them in any way possible.

...and I'm not alone in this mindset by focusing on creating websites and content that serve an audience.

One of my mentors, Andre, calls these 'Tiny Asset Engines' because once you create content that gives value to others, it can 'work for you' for years and years, therefore being an asset for you.

He's been building these for years... you can click here to read his take on this approach, now.

Through the many years of trial and error, there was hardly any free "how to make money online" training actually teaching the no BS straight truth to building a successful business online.

I figured this out because I spent years wasting time, and seeing little to no results.

So I decided to focus and delicate to be of service to people who, like I was, are in a situation where they have the desire to succeed with an internet business with no clear to path to follow at all.

My videos and posts include straight-forward how to content, usually only found in paid courses. This is being of service to an audience. Likewise, this is the same process for any online business.

If there's one thing you takeaway from this free course, it's that you must be of service to an audience you can help, that's the key to a successful online business.

Unsuccessful or short-term internet marketers first try to figure out what "winning product" or "what they think will make them money" to promote, and that is why they fail in the long run.

Successful marketers know that they need to understand what a target audience's specific goals, hopes, dreams, problems, and challenges are. Then they assist them in solving their problems and achieving their goals.

That is what every successful business does... no matter what it is.

Your personal experiences and self-awareness are what determine what you do next in your path.

Ask yourself the following questions and determine the best answers based up what you've learned about yourself so far:

  • What comes easy to you that others struggle with?
  • What problems have you solved that others would like to solve as well?
  • What have you been helping people with for years professionally?
  • What problem do you have in your life that you'd be dedicated to researching and helping others along the way that will take 3-5 years to solve?
  • What are your hobbies or passions you do in your free time?

Your income lies within how you can be a problem solver at scale.

The right niche for you is identified by how well you know yourself and the target audience to which you can be most of service to.

It's important for you to decide, and identify your specific niche and the audience you can help.

Additionally, we will be going through some in-depth case studies towards the end of this training for more examples on successful businesses to model.

For now, we'll take a brief look at a few niche examples to consider.

I guarantee you will have an "ah-ha!" moment when looking through these.

These short examples will get you thinking in the right mindset to help you figure out what your niche is.

There are literally infinite potential directions you can go with this...

The Plant Niche

  • Are you an expert botanist?
  • Do you love plants?
  • Will you spend hours researching the different types of species?

The Yoga Niche

  • Do you run a yoga studio?
  • Are you a yoga instructor?
  • Is spirituality or meditation part of your yoga routine?

The Fishing Niche

  • Are you an expert fisherman?
  • Do you love fishing?
  • Is fishing what you spend your weekends doing?
  • What kind of fish do you catch?

The Travel Niche

  • Do you go on road trips?
  • How many foreign countries have you traveled to?
  • Is travel your way to feel free?
  • Where do you plan to go next?

The Art Niche

  • Do you know how to draw?
  • Can you help others learn how to get better at painting?
  • What's the best canvas to use?


The key is... the more specific the better. If you can dial in your niche to the find details of exactly what you love, you're going to succeed.

There really are endless options to what audience you can serve.

Spend some time to really consider what niche you want to focus in on.

Now.. what are you going to offer to help those people?

That's what we're going over next!

Brennan Valeski