3: The Main Offers

Step 3: The Main Offers

Once you have chosen your niche and the audience you want to help, and be of service to, you need to prove to your audience you can help them achieve their goals and solve their problems.

You must deliver results or gratification in advance through the content you publish.

Let's say for example you're moving, which let's be honest...

Moving sucks!

You're loading up boxes in your moving vehicle, trying to get everything out and two of your neighbors walk up to you.

Neighbor #1: Says hey, I'll help you load up those boxes for $250.

Neighbor #2: Hey are those going into that truck? Cool. Walks over with a box or two in hand ready to help.

Which neighbor do you like more?

The one who's willing to help you right away and for free!

You almost feel guilty and want to pay them for their efforts.

It's the same way with your online business. The content you publish needs to genuinely help people get results upfront.

The most important of that content will be your main offers.

The first main offer is your free offer, a piece of content you will give away for free in exchange for an email address.

Your Free Offer

Creating your free offer is the first step to growing your email list, which is the most valuable asset to growing an internet business. If your visitors don't find your free offer attractive and compelling to help them achieve their goals or solving their problems... your business will never get off the ground.

Our goal here is to do two things:

#1 - Offer enough value that your visitors are compelled enough to enter their email address and subscribe for the free item.

#2 - Give an amazing experience that proves to the subscriber that your products and content can can give them a powerful, positive experience.

This free course you're reading right now is another example.

Instead of selling a how-to course with this information for $47, which I could have easily done... I decided to focus solely on helping you get your business off the ground and generating income.

The main goal here is to put our audience's needs first...  Every single successful business is built in this manner. Correspondingly, you will need to put your audience's needs first too!

Your free offer may as well be your most important part of your online business. It's the first opportunity you have to prove to your audience that you can help them to achieve their goals or solve their problems. If they don't believe you can help them, they will never purchase anything from you in the future!

A great free offer comes down to a few key concepts:

  • Your free offer should be around a major pain point, or something that solves a major problem your audience has. This will give them a taste of the value you can deliver.
  • This can be a PDF, written content, audio experience, or video training.
  • Your free offer needs to be unique to you and your business.

For example if you're in the pet niche, you could offer:

Pet Emergency Cheat Sheet (Your go-to guide on what to do in emergency situations).

We will take a look at more examples in the case studies on step 7.

Your Paid Offer

Your second main offer is your first paid offer. We will go over how you present this and deliver it soon.

The paid offer needs to be something that goes along with your free offer and scratches the next logical problem they will face after your free item.

To put it simply, it shouldn't only be more of the same... yet rather something complimentary that comes next.

Again, your audience feels they have solved their first problem when they opted in for your free offer initially. Their thought process moves onto... "Okay cool, what comes next?"

Your first paid product can solve that next logical problem for them.

What that product may be varies from business to business.

With this in mind, this is the exact same approach I use with my personal brand. I show you exactly how to do things in my free content and teachings, and then I recommend a few essential tools you need to complete the required steps.

If you want to go deeper on a certain topic, by all means that premium walk through course and teachings are available as well.

Above all it is important to remember there are many different types of products or services that you can offer to your audience for both your free offer, and paid offer.

We'll be taking a look at all your different business model options on step 5, and direct examples on step 7.

Back End Offers

Whereas beginners typically only focus on the front end of their funnel and business, the pros focus on the back end.

The front end of your marketing funnel is the initial free/paid offer.

The back end is the additional value you offer to your best customers that want more from you.

Overtime you can slowly add in one-click up-sells, bump offers, and other back end offers to current customers.

You don't need to create back-end offers now, but in order to have a successful online business, you want have additional offerings.

It's common knowledge for businesses that it costs more to acquire a new customer than it is to make an additional sale to your current customer base. This is something to keep in mind as your business grows and develops.

For example, a back-end offer would be an ongoing monthly membership group with an eight-week course... or a subscription box... or a buyers club... there's infinite different directions you can go with this.

Above all, these can be products you create, products from partners, or affiliate.

Now... how do you get these pages and offers setup on your website?

Brennan Valeski