4: Your Core Web Pages

Step 4: Your Core Web Pages & The Systems to Run Them

There are two pages required to begin your journey as an online entrepreneur. That's an opt-in page and a thank you page. If you decide to sell your own products or services, you'll also need a few additional pages to manage the checkout process and product delivery.

These core pages in marketing terms are called your "Sales Funnel" or your "Marketing Funnel".

The technology is so easy today that these pages can be created and published in an afternoon. There are many systems you can build on, however there are really only two I recommend as explained in this section.

Which one you choose will be based on your budget, how much free time you have, and how willing you are to jump into the "do it yourself" style.

However, before we dive into the tech... let's cover the content of what will actually be on each of these pages.

Your Opt-In Page

This is the page that delivers your first free offer in exchange for an email address. The simpler the design and layout of your opt-in page, the better.

The most important focus on this page is the headline and offer you're presenting. It has to be a targeted offer that's focused to help the people greatly in your niche.

Taking a look at other successful marketers (whether they're in your niche or not) will help you determine what kind of layout, design, and overall approach works.

Your Thank You Page

The thank you page is the page 100% of people will immediately see after opting in for you free offer. Your thank you page will either offer one of your own products or services, or it will promote an affiliate offer to help you convert leads into paying customers more quickly.

This strategy to immediately offer your leads something to buy is called a one-time offer and is typically refereed to as an OTO.

Your main OTO offer resides on your thank you page.

Generally anywhere from 1% to 5% of leads are ready to purchase right away after opting-in if the offer is presented correctly.

Optional Core Pages: Your Checkout Page and Product Delivery Pages

If you are selling your own information products, physical products, online courses, drop shipping products, print-on-demand clothing, an ongoing membership program, or services, you will need a shopping cart system that allows your customers to checkout securely and obtain what they've purchased.

We will go more in depth on the different business model options on step 5.

There are an infinite possibility of different ways to operate your sales funnel and get fancy with things. These are the core basics you need to get started.

Now that you understand what is required... On to your tech options.

The Two Systems To Build Your Core Pages

Today there are many simple solutions that even the most non-tech person can setup in an afternoon.

Below are the two (and only two) solutions I personally recommend. Which one you choose depends on how much time you have available, whether your have technical skills, you have a monthly budget, or if you're interested in the DIY-system.

No matter which option you choose, both will help you achieve your ultimate goals.

System Number One: ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels is designed as an all-in-one solution that allows you to easily build your opt-in page, thank you page, checkout pages, etc.

You can get started for free with a 14-day free trial, and after their trial period, ClickFunnels costs $97 per month, which is not cheap, but if you have more money than time, it is the perfect solution!

Additionally, if you are intimitaded by tech and want the simplest and easiest solution that doesn't require you to update anything... then ClickFunnels is a great option for you.

ClickFunnels has a more expensive option ($297 per month) with more features such as an email system, but you don't need it.

I'll show you an email solution later that will save you thousands of dollars per year and is easier to setup and manage!

Once you have your free ClickFunnels account setup, then you can easily create and deliver your core web pages.

System Number Two: WordPress

WordPress is an open source website builder and content management system that powers over 31% of all websites online.

"Open source" means that the source code is made freely available for volunteers from all over the world to keep WordPress consistently updated. WordPress has infinite customization and can be used for blogs, sales funnels, eCommerce, and more. The options are endless.

Over the last few years, WordPress has become even easier to use and is still what I use to run all of my websites. With the web hosting I recommend, you don't even have to install WordPress yourself, they do it all for you!

The theme I recommend has templates for all of the core pages and is very easy to use! It also has all of the tools to run split tests, landing pages, etc.

WordPress is a great option if you're on a tight budget, you have more time than money, or want to have the full freedom for customization.

Additionally, if you love writing and sharing your ideas in written posts... WordPress is the only option to consider because of it's excellent blogging platform.

Required System Number Three: Your Email Marketing Solution

In order to collect emails, grow your list, and automate the process of following up with your leads, you need a professional email marketing solution. This is not optional because your email list is the biggest asset of your online business.

With the constant shifting of social media platforms... this is the ONLY way to guarantee your audience actually sees your message every time.

There are many different options available, yet I only recommend one of them. If you're already using a system with an autoresponder and you're comfortable with it, it's probably best to stay there.

GetResponse is a simple system that gives you the ability to collect leads, automate follow-up, and broadcast emails and offers to your list at any time. They give you an easy to use interface with many different options for what you want to accomplish.

Click here to get a free 30 day trial of GetResponse.

Once you get your free GetResponse account, setup... Here is how to structure your first autoresponder series:

Email #1 - Sent immediately after opt-in. (Day 0)

Email #2 - Sent 24 hours after email #1... (Day 1)

Email #3 - Sent 24 hours after email #2... (Day 2)

Email #4 - Sent 24 hours after email #3... (Day 3)

After another 24 hours. Move to main broadcast list.

You will learn what to say in these emails on step 6, this is just to help you build the foundation and structure.

Your email list is crucial and necessary to your internet based business. I can't stress how important this is to use a professional email marketing system from the beginning.

At this point, choose your core web page system and your email system from the links and options above, then get your free trials setup before moving on!

Brennan Valeski