7: 7-Figure Case Studies

Step 7: 7-Figure Case Studies

Of course you're probably wondering... well does this system work? Now it's time to dive into some 7 figure case studies of sites that do well with this model.

Equally it's important to keep in mind that many of these businesses have been around for years. Do not expect to replicate these results overnight, or quickly by any means. These case studies simply show what is possible long-term.

These sites are all at stage 3 in their growth curve. We will break down the different site stages below, and what are the most actionable, and achievable tasks/business models for you to work on right now.

You can use these sites for inspiration, and ideas to what you can create.

#1 - Survival Life


1,100,000 visits per month


Survival, Outdoors & Self-Defense

Business Models:



SurvivalLife.com is run and managed by one of the biggest marketing companies in the world "digital marker". I do not recommend their products as they're quite overpriced... however this brand is run perfectly.

If you're looking to build eCommerce based sales funnels... whether that's drop shipping based or not, this is the place to find inspiration. In fact they also utilize the Amazon Associates affiliate program for additional revenue as well.

Their total website traffic boasts about 11% just from their email list. This proves how powerful building an email list can be. When you run people through a proper marketing funnel, and maintain that relationship... you'll build a healthy audience you can continue to market to overtime.

#2 - Naturally Curly


6,400,000 visits per month


Health & Beauty, Curly Hair

Business Models:




NaturallyCurly.com is a massive content marketing powerhouse. They've been around for nearly 20 years helping people with curly hair. My girlfriend (who has very curly hair) actually has visited this site many times for advice.

Albeit their monetization path is not as clear as the other sites in this list, you can get some content marketing inspiration by the sheer volume they have.

Nearly all of their traffic comes just from Google organic search, which goes to show the power of a long-term business, and longevity search engine marketing has.

#3 - Muscle For Life


2,040,000 visits per month


Fitness, Strength Training

Business Models:

Info Products

Coaching Services


MuscleForLife.com creates some of the most high quality fitness information out there. With it's author and owner Mike Matthews as the lead blogger and expert who creates the training content.

If you're looking for fitness guides, I've personally gone through their book "Bigger Leaner Stronger" and it's excellent.

The core of their website and brand comes down to high quality free valuable content. Their business model expands into many different paths to monetize. From books, to coaching/consulting, and the various supplements they offer... there are many different kinds of products you can 'tag on' overtime when building your brand.

Website Stages & Growth Curve

After taking a look through these stellar website examples, it's important to bring your imagination down to what you can accomplish now. In reality, most of you reading this are no where near a stage 3 site. Let's break down exactly what this means for you...

What are the site stages? What can you do now? Where do you start?


Reviews & Onpage Monetization

Goal: $2,000 - $10,000 / month

  • Better X For Y
  • New Product Review
  • Big Ultimate Guide

Audience Building & Direct Sales

Goal: $10,000 - $50,000 / mo

  • Question Posts
  • How To Posts
  • Roundups

Product & Offer Development

Goal: $50,000+ / month

  • Audio / Video Content
  • Sales Funnels
  • Product Development

Equally important, each of these different stages represent different focus points on the growth curve for your online business. It's key to not skip too far ahead, and lose sight of the fundamental core activities each level brings.

Stage 1 Site

When it comes to starting out a new site, your most important goal is to generate a consistent cash flow. This is the most stripped down basic level site that you can start out with. With this level, we are generating the initial traffic.


Reviews & Onpage Monetization

Goal: $2,000 - $10,000 / month

  • Better X For Y
  • New Product Review
  • Big Ultimate Guide

Our main focus is to focus on the easiest, cheapest, and highest-ROI combination of traffic and revenue. This includes affiliate revenue or drop shipping, along with organic traffic.


Drop Shipping

It's important to note that in this phase we are not building an email list yet, or any advanced sales funnels. At this point the most important step is getting traffic, and then converting them on the page directly.

We can accomplish this via review posts, better or best x for y, and big ultimate guides that link to the specific products or "best" style of posts.

This combination gets money coming in consistently and quickly for the lowest investment possible. With proper keyword research, you'll be set.

SEO takes a good bit of time to kick in. The timeline from zero traffic to meaningful traffic is usually anywhere from 6-12 months.

However after the traffic is established, it typically stays the same or grows consistently long-term. This is the major benefit of organic traffic.

Stage 2 Site

After you already have some consistent money coming in, and the initial traffic... stage 2 comes into play. This builds on the success of stage 1, and adds in one new traffic and income stream.


Audience Building & Direct Sales

Goal: $10,000 - $50,000 / mo

  • Question Posts
  • How To Posts
  • Roundups

Within stage 1 we focus exclusively on affiliate, or product related content. In stage 2 we add in more authoritative content like how-to's, question posts, and roundups.

Stage 2 sites begin to collect emails with pop-ups and banners in the site's content. This allows for direct and consistent communication/access to a bigger audience... mostly in preparation for stage 3.


In stage 2, we can stack on ad revenue on top of our affiliate revenue.

Signing up with AdSense is the next step to increase your income and generate some more revenue immediately. The biggest change here is that the content is no longer as affiliate or product driven, but rather more informational content.

This type of content establishes you as an authority on the topic. Additionally, these posts are more for driving traffic and growing the email list.

Stage 3 Site

Of course, Stage 3 is the final build of the model where all the moving parts come together into one powerful asset. We now focus more on our own products.


Product & Offer Development

Goal: $50,000+ / month

  • Audio / Video Content
  • Sales Funnels
  • Product Development

At stage 3, we shall have significantly increased our traffic and began building a solid email list.

With access to such a bigger audience, this gives us the ability to use resources to create our own products, which hold the highest profit margin among any other business model or monetization strategy.

This is difficult to pull off, as we need to understand our audience quite well and what already sells well in the marketplace.

These business models typically include:

Info Products



Whichever model you choose depends heavily on your niche, your audience, and your resources. In stage 3 we want to continue to grow our organic traffic, yet now that we've created a product, we can sell it for a higher profit margin in comparison to the other business models.

To Summarize The 3 Stages

Within each of these stages, these are only guidelines. There are many different ways you can grow traffic and ultimately grow your business. This path laid out above is a tried and true model that can stand the test of time.

No algorithm switch, or change of social media platforms can take down a business in which you own the website and email list.

It is up to you, depending on your goals and experience level... to decide on what business models and traffic sources you choose to operate towards.

There are infinite other examples that could have made it into this list, as well as IN the other case studies above. It is up to your to take this knowledge and run with it for what works best for you and your goals.

How To Spy On Competition

Another key point of success that can be very useful is taking a look at your competition. This is a sure fire way to see what's already working and how well some websites are doing.

If you want to succeed in your online business, it's best you do some digging and take a look through your competition. It's important that you spend time researching and finding the top sites in your niche.

In other words, you're able to see what works, and implement those tactics and strategies directly into your business.

The best tool to use for this is: SimilarWeb.com

For instance with this tool, you're able to find even more data than the information provided above for the case studies.

Another useful tool is: SEMrush.com

With SEM rush you are able to spot out what keywords these authority sites are ranking for and where their traffic comes from over the course of many years.

Do keep in mind these tools are free to use for a few searches per day, you don't need their premium up-sells.

In any event, do not copy/paste any content or rip a site off directly. You can model success for sure, but you do not want to infringe on any copyright and get yourself in trouble. Definitely use these tools and research as a guide to what already works.

At the end of the day, we're not trying to re-invent the wheel.

These are proven systems and niches that stand the test of time. You can continue to the final section of this course to learn the most important secret!

Brennan Valeski